Monday, July 7, 2008

Matt Uelmen

Something I particularly love about the old days, was walking into work and hearing Matt's Diablo compositions emerging from at least five or six offices on any given day. His wistful Tristram theme was not only the soundtrack for a game - it was like the soundtrack to my life for those years.

I recently heard a huge batch of his tunes that he sent me on disk (thanks Matt!), and it was like time-travel. That music is so beautiful and evocative.

I recently saw a youtube clip where a big group performed some of Matt's music. I'm sure across the world, there are others who are taken back to another time when they hear these notes.

Thinking of you, Matt. Keep that quill moving!!! I'm looking forward to what you will create next.

Youtube clip of Matt's legacy:

and another favorite:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does anyone know if there is an album for Matt Uelmen's song Tristram?
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